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Children in Care Council

Our Voice is the name of Merton Council’s Children in Care Council (CiCC) and Care Leaver Forum. Our Voice is a group of care experienced children and young people, aged 0 to 25, who meet regularly to talk about how they’re being cared for, make suggestions to make services better as well as being an opportunity to socialise and have fun.


The group feed in their views to help to shape the way services are run. The group also help us with several key influencing activities.


The group are split into three groups depending on age:

  • Our Voice Tinies (Children aged 0-10)
  • Our Voice (Young People aged 11-17)
  • Our Voice Care Leaver Forum (Young people aged 18-25)


All three groups meet on a regular basis and we are always looking for more young people to join.

To join Our Voice or to find out more information you can contact the Participation and Engagement team by e-mailing them on