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MSCP – Independent Scrutiny

To provide challenge and independent oversight of the partnership’s work, the MSCP has three independent posts: 

  • MSCP Independent Chair (IC): Aileen Buckton 
  • MSCP Independent Scrutineer (IS): Sarah Lawrence  
  • MSCP Young Scrutineer (YS): Beth Stephens  

This page provides details of the thematic scrutiny undertaken by the Independent and Young Scrutineer. The Quality Assurance Subgroup monitors implementation of the recommendations from the thematic scrutiny, with support from the other subgroups where relevant. 


Adultification Scrutiny 

During 2022-23, the scrutineers were asked to explore “What can MSCP do to prevent the adultification of black children in Merton?”. A visual summary of the findings can be seen below. In response, the MSCP has set up a Task & Finish group to progress the recommendations and ensure a coordinated response from the partnership. 


Sexual Violence in Schools & Colleges Scrutiny 

During 2022, the scrutineers were asked to explore “How well are MSCP working with partners to respond to sexual harassment in schools and colleges?​”. A visual 1-page summary can be found below. In response to the recommendations, the MSCP developed actions which were embedded into subgroup workplans for 2022-23 and 2023-24. 

NAI and SUDI Scrutiny 

During 2021, the scrutineers were asked to explore the partnership response to Non-Accidental Injury (NAI), specifically abusive head trauma in babies, and Sudden and Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI), specifically under 1s. This was in response to national and local learning including the Baby Grace LCSPR. The findings are available on request. In response to the recommendations, the MSCP developed actions which were embedded into subgroup workplans for 2021-22 and 2022-23.