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Safeguarding Resources for professionals working with children and families


COVID-19 is an extremely challenging situation for everyone.

We are all significantly changing the way we work and facing staff shortages.

During this time, we need to ensure that we continue to work together to safeguard our most vulnerable children and families.

Our role at this time is to continue to recognise when children/adults/families are struggling or potentially suffering abuse or neglect, signpost to resources which can help, refer to other agencies as available and appropriate and support vulnerable patients were possible. This may include making safeguarding referrals as you would normally do through your local pathways.

Where there are significant immediate concerns about the safety of a child, professionals should contact the police on 999

Anyone can make a referral to the Merton Children and Families Hub (formerly known as the MASH) if you are worried about any child and think they may be a victim of neglect or abuse, whether as a member of the public or as a professional, by calling 0208 545 4226/4227

Should your call be outside of business hours (Monday – Friday / 9am-5pm) please call 0208 770 5000 to speak to the Emergency Duty Team.

These training resources have been made available to help you out during these difficult times.

Introduction to Child Safeguarding




As a result of Coronavirus outbreak, many victims of Domestic Abuse face additional challenges and barriers to accessing support. While self-isolating, families will spend extended periods of time together and it is recognised that tensions may rise, escalating the risk of Abuse and Violence.

If you are currently experiencing domestic abuse, you are not alone, and we would like to reassure our residents that support service are still available to offer help.

The main domestic abuse support services to contact

 Merton Community IDVA – 0207 801 1777

During these already difficult weeks, reports of Domestic Violence have increased 25%.

It is more important than ever that professionals and volunteers working with Families are alerted to possible signs of Domestic Violence and Abuse, act appropriately and sensitively and know where to refer and signpost victims and their children

We have provided   a simple presentation that may support you in doing so,

This presentation can be used in two ways:

1.         It can be viewed from beginning to end, as a whole or

2.         it can be navigated in sections, by following the hyperlinks on the content table. Please note that this can be done only if the presentation is played in slide show.

The presentation contains a link to video on Coercive Control and two links to separate resources on safety planning for people working with children and young people

Domestic Violence and Abuse

Training and Development Presentation on Coercive Control



Recent local safeguarding children reviews in Merton have highlighted that poor housing and homelessness can negatively affect safeguarding outcomes for children:

  • Jason, 16, Local Child Safeguarding Practice Review – issues of homelessness and NRPF, poor living conditions, and constant moving featured heavily throughout Jason’s childhood and identified as root cause of Jason’s difficulties, leaving him at risk of criminal exploitation.
  • SUDI Review (Baby J), 3 months, Partnership Review –  though it could not be known whether overcrowded living conditions were a contributing factor to Baby J’s death, the review highlighted that there could have been improved links between CSF and Housing to ensure Baby J’s family received earlier and more proactive housing support.

The following information slides were created in response to the recommendations in these learning reviews. They highlight the local picture in terms of homelessness and what is being done to address some the recommendations from the reviews. Professionals can also find some useful information on legislation and who to contact if there are concerns about poor housing and homelessness

The Impact of Homelessness and Poor Housing on Safeguarding Outcomes for Children


Family Hub Bitesize

The Family Hub have developed a series of bitesize overview modules focussed on meeting the needs of our local communities for each of the 24 ‘core’ services to support all family hub partners to:

  • Develop an understanding of each service area.
  • Have knowledge of the tools and services available in Merton (including referral pathways).
  • Understand the resources available locally and nationally when supporting families.

To access these bitesize modules and find out more information, please click the following link: Family Hub – Merton Safeguarding Children Partnership (