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MSCP Priorities

The  MSCP Business Plan 2023-25  sets out our strategic priorities that form the basis of the Partnership’s work across the year. Annual sub-group workplans set out the actions we are taking to address these.   

New priorities and actions may be added to our work during the year, to ensure we respond to emerging needs and ongoing learning reviews.  The MSCP has also introduced and agreed a set of cross-cutting themes, alongside our refreshed priority areas for our partnership. 

The MSCP priorities for 2023-25 are:  

  1. Early Help 
  2. Mental Health and Wellbeing 
  3. Contextual Safeguarding 
  4. Domestic Abuse 
  5. Neglect 
  6. Strong Leadership and Strong Partnership 

The MSCP cross-cutting themes for 2023-25 are:  

  • Voice of children, young people, and families 
  • Think Family 
  • Addressing disproportionality 
  • Pressures on families including cost-of-living and impact of Covid-19 
  • Learning from reviews & embedding reforms 

Both the priorities and cross-cutting themes are picked up by the various Sub-Groups, as outlined in the business plan and below. Annual workplans for each subgroup are updated and presented regularly to the relevant MSCP meetings by the MSCP Business Support Unit, for monitoring and exception reporting. 

  • Focus on Priorities 1 (Early Help) and 2 (Mental Health and Wellbeing) 

This work is part of a whole system approach and is based on a clear understanding of local need.  The Partnership’s priority is to ensure that there is clear coordination and quality assurance of early help and prevention work, with effective integration between the front door and a shared focus on the journey and experience of the child and family. The Partnership also works alongside other forums, such as CAMHS Board, to oversee the work of partner agencies to support and promote the mental health and wellbeing of children and their parents/carers. 

  • Focus on Priority 3 (Contextual Safeguarding) 

The Partnership will work with all agencies to ensure that there is a highly coordinated multi-agency and whole-council approach to a range of adolescent risks that occur in contexts beyond the family home (e.g. neighbourhood, schools, local shopping centres, youth venues etc.). These risks include child criminal exploitation, child sexual exploitation, serious youth violence, peer on peer abuse, harmful sexual behaviour and other overlapping form of harm. The Partnership is aware of the risks of exploitation in their local area.  


  • Focus on Priorities 4 (Domestic Abuse) and 5 (Neglect) 

The Safeguarding Partnership actively monitors, promotes, coordinates and evaluates the work of partner agencies to help and protect children at risk of domestic abuse and neglect, including working effectively with other multi-agency groups that have responsibility for responding to domestic abuse and neglect.