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Quality Assurance and Learning and Development Framework

The Role of Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance in Merton seeks to ensure children and young people are safeguarded and protected. It does this by way of a subgroup within the MSCP, responsible for overseeing the quality of multi-agency approaches to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children living and learning in Merton. The subgroup’s main priorities are:

  • The analysis of data reported as part of the Partnership’s agreed Performance Framework (see description below). Relevant performance information is also reported to other thematic subgroups within the MSCP as appropriate.
  • Overseeing the quality assurance of multi-agency activities to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, including the bi-annual Section 11 (taken from the Children’s Act 2004) and other regular and thematic multi-agency activity.
  • Overseeing the Partnership’s statutory responsibilities in relation to the notification of serious incidents as well as the commissioning of independent or child safeguarding practice reviews where required.


Learning and Development Framework

The MSCP multi-agency learning and development framework looks to understand the quality and impact of partner engagement in the safeguarding system. It is organised around the journey of the child, and the evaluation criteria of the Inspection of Local Authority Children’s Services (ILACS) framework, evaluation criteria of the Joint Targeted Inspection (JTAI) framework, Working Together 2018 and Keeping Children Safe in Education 2018.

The combined framework should provide Partners with assurance that

  • The Partnership is meeting its statutory duties
  • The Partnership is achieving its priorities
  • The Partnership is ensuring quality across the safeguarding system
  • The Partnership sets the right priorities to meet these needs
  • The Partnership is holding partners and board members to account for providing effective safeguarding services to children and families in Merton

Reporting to the Partnership is via an outcomes based accountability framework we will be able to evidence

  • How much did we do (quantity)?
  • How well did we do it (quality)?
  • Is anyone better off as a result (impact)?
  • What are we going to do to continue improve (action planning and prioritisation)?


Multi-Agency Audits

Section 11

Section 11 of the Children Act 2004 places a duty on local authorities to ensure their functions, and any services that they contract out to others, are discharged having regard to the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. For more information about how the MSCP audits Section 11, please visit our dedicated page on this website.

Multi-agency audit programme

Safeguarding Children Partnerships are expected to undertake multi-agency audits to evaluate practice and gain assurance of good systems in place to safeguard children and young people (as per Working Together 2023). Since 2021-22, the Merton Safeguarding Children Partnership has established a multi-agency audit programme focused on our current priorities and issues arising from learning reviews.

